
Manténgase sano!

Resultados de su búsqueda "Estrogen".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 26

The contraceptive injection Depo-Provera and two drugs used for menopause relief could be linked to a heightened risk for brain tumors in some women, a new study warns.

Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) increased the risk of intracranial meningioma 5.6-fold if used for longer than a year, researchers report in the BMJ<...

Everyone's heard of fighting fire with fire.

Now that tactic is coming to breast cancer treatment.

Researchers think they've figured out a better way to fight breast cancer fueled by the female hormone estrogen"by employing mechanisms used by the male hormone androgen.

An experimental drug called enobosarm stimulates the androgen receptor on cancer cells, which functions as a ...

Being exposed to more estrogen throughout life -- or a longer reproductive life span -- may be good for the brain, according to new research that found a lower risk of cerebral small vessel disease in women who had more cumulative exposure.

Cerebral small vessel disease happens from damage to small blood vessels in the brain. It can increase the risk of thinking impairments and dementia....

Women having surgery for pelvic organ prolapse are often prescribed vaginal estrogen to boost the odds of a successful procedure. Now a clinical trial shows it doesn't actually work.

Pelvic organ prolapse is a disorder where weakened muscles and other tissues in the pelvis allow one or more organs -- including the uterus, bladder or rectum -- to protrude into the vagina.

Often, wome...

Hot flashes are a common -- and uncomfortable -- symptom of menopause.

More than 80% of menopausal women experience sudden, often debilitating bursts of heat that last several minutes, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are the most common symptom of menopause that women note.


Let's talk about menopause and its impact on your sex life. We all know that this phase of life can bring about some changes, like a lower sex drive and vaginal dryness. But here's the thing: you don't have to suffer through it. In this article, we will break down how menopause affects your sexual experiences, share some medications and self-care tips that can make a real difference, and give y...

Many women experience blinding migraine headaches around their monthly period, and now researchers have a clue about why.

Levels of the female hormone estrogen fluctuate during menstruation, which may lead to increases in calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). This protein widens blood vessels in the brain, which is part of the cascade of events that cause migraines.

"Women with mi...

When it comes to reducing stroke risk among women, new research suggests that the more estrogen a woman is exposed to over the course of her life, the better.

The finding follows nearly a decade spent tracking stroke risk among roughly 123,000 Chinese postmenopausal women.

In the end, investigators concluded that those who had a relatively long reproductive period before menopause ...

Older women with urinary tract infections (UTIs) often experience delirium along with them, and researchers may have found a solution.

Estrogen, often given as part of hormone replacement therapy after menopause, may prevent these mental changes, according to researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, who

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
  • |
  • January 3, 2023
  • |
  • Página completa
  • Women who have both ovaries removed before menopause may have a heightened risk of developing Parkinson's disease years later, a new study suggests.

    Looking at decades of data on more than 5,000 women, researchers ...

    Hormone replacement therapy may offer women significant protection against dying from COVID-19, new research suggests.

    British researchers who tracked more than 5,400 women with COVID during the first half of 2020 report that those who received the supplemental estrogen were 78% less likely...

    Lower levels of sex hormones might be tied to tears of the shoulder's rotator cuff in men and women, a new study suggests.

    Among women with low levels of estrogen, researchers found the odds of a rotator cuff tear were 48% higher, compared with women with normal estrogen levels. Among men, the ...

    Pregnant women who use hair dyes or straighteners may have relatively lower levels of pregnancy-supporting hormones, a recent study suggests.

    Researchers found that among more than 1,000 pregnant women they followed, those who used certain hair products -- dyes, bleaches, relaxers or mous...

    When a woman's periods begin to slow down and finally stop, digestive problems often pick up -- and new research suggests race and ethnicity play a role.

    With menopause, levels of estrogen decrease, while cortisol levels increase, triggering an adrenaline boost that changes digestive function. It can set off symptoms such as bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, indige...

    An experimental hormone therapy pill can effectively stall the progression of breast cancer, even in older patients whose tumors have mutated to make such therapy less effective, new trial results show.

    The drug elacestrant reduced the risk of breast cancer progression and death by 30% in postmenopausal patients whose cancers were fueled by the female hormone estrogen, compared to people ...

    Women's symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may vary with their menstrual cycle, which could have implications for diagnosis and treatment, researchers say.

    Their study included 40 women between 18 and 33 years of age who had PTSD after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as sexual violence or a serious injury.

    "For women who are naturally cycling, it ma...

    Women battling infertility are often given medications to help them conceive, and potential side effects are always a concern. Now, research suggests use of the drugs won't raise a woman's odds for breast cancer.

    Researchers at King's College London in the United Kingdom analyzed studies from 1990 to January 2020 that included 1.8 million women of all reproductive ages who underwent ferti...

    Older women with low levels of vitamin D may have more pain after total knee replacement than those with adequate levels of the nutrient, a new study suggests.

    Vitamin D is an important part of a healthy diet, and its benefits include protecting against bone disease and maintaining soft tissue health.

    Estrogen deficiency, inactivity and a lack of sun exposure have been linked w...

    Monitoring blood pressure is important for transgender people, according to new research, which found changes in systolic blood pressure after the start of gender-affirming hormone therapy.

    Transgender men and transgender women have a higher burden of heart attack, stroke and related conditions, the study noted.

    Gender-affirming hormone therapy isn't new. Doctors have prescribed the...

    Most transgender women can safely continue their estrogen treatments during gender-affirming surgery, a new study finds.

    Estrogen therapy and surgery can increase the risk of blood clots, so experts have suggested that transgender women stop taking the hormone when having gender-affirming surgery.

    But the sudden loss of estrogen was sometimes very uncomfortable, causing symptoms sim...

    Women with asthma may suffer fewer severe symptom attacks if they are on birth control pills, a large new study suggests.

    The study of more than 83,000 women with asthma found that those who used birth control pills for at least three years tended to have fewer severe flare-ups.

    The difference between pill users and non-users was small, and the findings do not prove a cause-and-effe...

    Hot flashes and night sweats are well-known side effects of menopause, but the end of a woman's periods can also lead to other uncomfortable changes.

    Vaginal dryness, painful sex and painful urination are common symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause, or GSM. Estimates vary, but most research suggests that a majority of postmenopausal women are affected. It can significantly...

    The ongoing debate about postmenopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk may have turned even more muddy: A large, new study suggests that two different types of hormone therapy have opposite effects on women's long-term risk of the disease.

    The researchers found that combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT) -- with estrogen and progestin -- increases the risk of breast cancer...

    Nearly six years after stopping a five-year regimen of the breast cancer drug anastrozole, women at high risk for breast cancer were 50% less likely to have been struck by the disease, new research shows.

    The trial included more than 3,800 postmenopausal women at high risk for breast cancer. They were deemed to be at high risk for a variety of reasons, including having two or mor...

    Estrogen therapy may help younger women live longer after having their uterus and ovaries surgically removed, new research reports.

    The study found that when women under 60 received hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after surgery, their risk of dying during the 18-year follow-up period decreased by almost one-third compared to women taking a placebo.

    "In a young woman, it'...

    New British research is bolstering the theory that elevated levels of sex hormones in the uterus could play a role in autism risk.

    Prior studies had already implicated higher uterine concentrations of male sex hormones -- androgens -- in increasing the odds for an autism spectrum disorder, noted a team led by Simon Baron-Cohen. He directs the Autism Research Center at the University o...